About The Swartz Foundation
Statement of Purpose

The strategic intent of the Swartz Foundation is to integrate problem-solving approaches from physics, mathematics, electrical engineering and computer science into neuroscience research, to better understand the relationship between the human brain and mind, one of the great frontiers of 21st-century science.



Jerry Swartz
Theoretical neuroscience (including computational neuroscience) studies how brains process information by mathematically modeling them at the biophysical (molecular and cellular), circuit and network, and whole brain system, behavioral and social interaction levels. The Foundation supports theoretical neuroscience research that investigates basic principles and mechanisms of brain function.
The foundation supports post-doc research in theoretical neuroscience at 11 universities and scientific institutions, through centers at Harvard University (established in 2007), Princeton University, Yale University (2006), Columbia University (2005), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (2004), and UC San Diego (2002), and, in partnership with the Sloan Foundation, at their original five Centers for Theoretical Neurobiology (1994) at Salk Institute, Cal Tech, UC San Francisco, NYU/Courant and Brandeis University. The Swartz Foundation also sponsors conferences, workshops, seminars, and public lectures in brain science, as well as the annual Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience.

Overview of the Swartz Foundation and the Sloan-Swartz Centers (updated September, 2009): Sloan-Swartz-Overview-Final-9-6-09.ppt  

For more information, contact the Swartz Foundation. .

>>> Next: Strategic Intent



Tuesday, March 25, 2025
About the Swartz Foundation...
The Swartz Foundation was established by Jerry Swartz (bio) in 1994 . . .
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