April 8, 2024
26th Annual Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture
"Everyone knows what attention is..." - On its neural basis in the primate brain. The lecture will be given by Prof. Sabine Kastner from Princeton University.
March 5, 2024
Three Center Directors of the Swartz Foundation are awarded the Lundbeck Foundation Brain Prize
The Swartz Foundation is happy and proud to congratulate Larry Abbott, Terrence Sejnowski and Haim Sompolinsky for being awarded the 2024 prestigious Lundbeck Foundation Brain Prize for their pioneering contributions to the field of computational and theoretical neuroscience. All three winners have been Directors of the Swartz Centers at Columbia U., Salk Institute, and Harvard U., respectively.
For 30 years the Swartz Foundation has had a leading role in fostering this important field of research, and this Prize is a wonderful affirmation of its role.
October 2,
The Swartz Foundation is happy to announce the four winners of the 4th Round of the Open Post-Doc Competition:
1. Dr. Asma Motiwala from Carnegie-Mellon University for her research on uncovering dynamics of movement preparation and memory maintenance using volitional control-based causal perturbations;
2. Dr. Caitlin Lienkaemper from Boston University for her research on using Combinatorial Threshold Linear Networks for studying the relationship between structure and dynamics in neural systems;
3. Dr. Navid Shervani-Tabar from Notre Dame University for his research on mathematical and computational approaches that foster brain-like learning in deep neural models by developing biologically plausible learning algorithms; and
4. Dr. Connor Bybee from UC Berkeley for his research on integrating complex brain computation and stochastic neural dynamics.
The Swartz Foundation congratulates the new Fellows and wishes them success in their research endeavors.
August 1,
The Swartz Foundation Announces the 4th Round of the Open Post-Doc Competition
Submission deadline is September 13, 2023.
April 10,
25th Annual
Stony Brook
"Deciphering the Dynamics of the Unconscious Brain Under General Anesthesia"
Featuring Prof. Emery N. Brown, MD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital.
August 25,
Annual Meeting for
The Swartz
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,
Long Island, NY
More information is available
May 17,
recipients of the
Swartz Prize are
awarded the Gruber
All the four researchers
recently awarded the 2022
Gruber Prize in
-- Prof. Larry Abbott (Columbia
U), Prof. Emery Neal Brown
(MIT/Harvard-MGH), Prof.
Terrence Sejnowski (Salk/UCSD),
and Prof. Haim Sompolinsky
(Hebrew U / Harvard U) -- have
been earlier recipients of the
Swartz Prize for Theoretical and
Computational Neuroscience (in
2010, 2020, 2011, and 2015,
respectively). For over 25 years
the Swartz Foundation has had a
leading role in fostering this
important field of research, and
this Prize is a wonderful
April 4,
24th Annual
Stony Brook
"Constructing the World of Taste
in Your Head"
Featuring Prof. Donald Katz,
Brandeis University
October 4,
Swartz Foundation
2021 Annual
This virtual meeting was
organized and led by profs. A.
Fairhall and E. Shea-Brown from
the U of Washington in Seattle.
The meeting agenda and selected
talks and presentation slides
are available
Sept 2, 2020
The Swartz Foundation Announces Winners of the Open Post-Doc Competition
The Swartz Foundation is happy to announce the two winners of the 3rd Round of the Open Post-Doc Competition:
Dr. Ann Watson Draelos from Duke University for her research proposal on adaptive algorithms for automated circuit dissection, and Dr. Gregory A. Handy from the University of Chicago for his research proposal on theoretical frameworks for plasticity in diverse brain cell types.
The Swartz Foundation congratulates the new Fellows and wishes them success in their research endeavors.
Swartz Foundation
Announces the 3rd
Round of the Open
Submission Deadline was
August 5, 2020. This competition
is now closed.
July 21-24,
Centers for
Neurobiology: 2019
Janelia Research Campus,
Ashburn, VA
April 4,
Annual Stony Brook
Featuring Alan Alda, Nobel
Laureate Eric Kandel and
renowned mathematician Jim
Research Centers and Initiatives
Brandeis University
California Institute of Technology
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Columbia University
Harvard University
New York University
Princeton University
Salk Institute
University of California at San Diego
University of Washington
Yale University
The Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
The Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience was established in 2008. It is an annual award supported by the Swartz Foundation and administered by the Society for Neuroscience.
The award "honors an individual whose activities have produced a significant cumulative contribution to theoretical models or computational methods in neuroscience or who has made a particularly noteworthy recent advance in theoretical or computational neuroscience."
The winner receives a cash prize of US$30000 and expenses to attend the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting. The list of awardees is available
The awardee for 2021 is Prof. Nicolas Brunel of Duke University.
Mind/Brain Lecture Series
Since 1997 the Swartz Foundation has been sponsoring the annual Mind/Brain Lecture Series, hosted by the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at Stony Brook University In New York. For a list of past speakers please click
For information about the current lecture please click
As described in this link, "the lecture series promotes the philosophical and scientific perspective that properties of the mind � from sensory perception to learning to thinking to consciousness � are a direct product of the intrinsic physical properties of the brain."
The Swartz Foundation is on Twitter: SwartzCompNeuro