Sloan-Swartz 2011 Annual Meeting

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Monday, July 11


4:00-6:00 PM               Registration (Landscape Building)


6:00-7:00 PM               Reception (Lobby - Landscape Building)


7:00-8:00 PM               Dinner (Dining Room - Landscape Building)


8:00 PM                       Refreshments available at Bob’s Pub



Tuesday, July 12


7:30-8:30 AM               Breakfast (Dining Room – Landscape Building)


8:45-9:00 AM               Welcoming Remarks (Seminar Room – Landscape Building)


9:00 AM–12:30 PM      Session I: The Behavior of Neural Circuits

Chair: Mitya Chklovskii

(Seminar Room – Landscape Building)


9:00-10:00 AM

Invited Speaker: Karel Svoboda (Janelia Farm)

The Neural Mechanism Underlying Touch-based



10:00-10:30 AM

Haim Sompolinsky (Harvard)

Feature Selectivity in Random Cortical Circuits


10:30-11:00 AM          

Coffee Break


11:00-11:30 AM          

Omri Barak (Columbia)

Between Structure and Randomness: Optimal Representation for Noisy Neuronal Dynamics


·         Presentation: Barak-Omri-Sloan-Swartz-2011.ppt


Abstract: We know that large populations of neurons are involved in cognitive tasks, yet we look for and are inspired by impressive single neurons. Response properties of individual neurons can be misleading. An echo state network can solve decision making tasks. Dynamical systems analysis can reveal function of echo state networks. We need to find a middle ground between example and rule based learning.


11:30 AM-12:00 PM    

William Bialek (Princeton)

Statistical mechanics for a Network of Real Neurons


·         Presentation: Bialek-William-Sloan-Swartz-2011.pdf


12:00-12:30 PM          

Larry Abbott (Columbia)

Mixing Slow and Fast Dynamics in Neural Networks


·         Presentation: Abbott-Larry-Sloan-Swartz-2011.pdf

Abstract: I present ideas on extending memory times

and for including context signals in tasks performed by echostate networks.


12:30-2:15 PM             Lunch (Dining Room – Landscape Building)

                                    Poster Session (Lobby – Landscape Building)

                                    Director's Meeting (Photon Room – Landscape Building)


2:15-5:30 PM              Session 2: Electric Fields

Chair: Charles Stevens

(Seminar Room – Landscape Building)


2:15-2:45 PM

Christof Koch (CalTech)

Electric Fields in the Brain


·         Presentation: Koch-Christof-Sloan-Swartz-2011.pdf


2:45-3:15 PM

Tim Mullen (UCSD)

Transient Source Level Information Flow Network Events in Human EEG


·         Presentation: Mullen-Tim-Sloan-Swartz-2011.pdf

·         This file contains the complete talk with all movies and animations (147 Mb): 


Abstract: Modeling neuronal mean-field dynamics and interactions from EEG channel data is often complicated by volume conduction and electrophysiological artifacts. Inverse modeling and source reconstruction approaches can help improve both spatial resolution and veracity of measured signals. In this talk I discuss several of the methods and software we have developed at SCCN for analyzing spatiotemporal dynamics and causal interactions in the source domain from scalp and/or intracranial EEG. Following a brief exposition of the methods, I will discuss one application to modeling cortical source dynamics and multivariate Granger-causal interactions during a partial complex seizure using intracranial EEG data. A novel analysis approach, which combines elements of Independent Component Analysis, Sparse Bayesian inverse modeling and Vector Autoregressive Modeling afforded spatiotemporal visualisation of putative focal granger-causal hubs and frequency-specific spectral modulations in both sulcal and gyral localized sources in or near resected tissue. This approach, after further validation, may be useful for surgical planning or intervention as well as for application in other areas of human cognitive and computational neuroscience.




3:15-3:45 PM

Christian Kothe (UCSD)

Online Attention Monitoring from Source Level EEG and Body Movement Data


3:45-4:15 PM

Coffee Break


4:15-5:15 PM

Invited Speaker: Gerry Rubin (Director, Janelia Farm Research Campus)
A Molecular Geneticist’s Strategy for Understanding the Fly Brain


5:15-6:15 PM               Reception (Lobby - Landscape Building)


6:15-8:15 PM               Dinner (Dining Room – Landscape Building)

                                    Poster Session (Lobby – Landscape Building)


8:15 PM                       Refreshments available at Bob’s Pub



Wednesday, July 13


7:30-8:45 AM               Breakfast (Dining Room – Landscape Building)


9:00 AM-12:30 PM       Session 3: Motor and Other Cortical Topics

                                    Chair: Larry Abbott

(Seminar Room – Landscape Building)


9:00-10:00 AM

Invited Speaker: Krishna Shenoy (Stanford)

Toward a Single-Trial Understanding of Motor



10:00-10:30 AM

Richard Andersen (CalTech)

Tapping into State Estimation for Neural Prosthesis


10:30-11:00 AM

Coffee Break


11:00-11:30 AM

Philip Sabes (UCSF)

Sensory Integration for Reaching  Linking Neural Circuits and Behavior


11:30-12:00 AM

Tony Zador (CSHL)

Cortical Circuitry


12:00-12:30 PM

Anan Moran (Brandeis)

Amygdala Influences on Sensory Temporal Coding

and Learning


12:30-1:45 PM             Lunch (Dining Room)

                                    Poster Session (Lobby – Landscape Building)


1:45-5:30 PM               Session 4: Vision

Chair: Terry Sejnowski

(Seminar Room – Landscape Building)


1:45-2:15 PM

Charles Stevens (Salk) 

Primary Visual Cortex Applies an Edge-detection Filter to the Visual Scene in a Novel Way


2:15-2:45 PM   

Aditya Rangan (NYU)

Sequences of Coordinated Events within a Model

of V-1


2:45-3:15 PM

Coffee Break


3:15-3:45 PM

Jamie Mazer (Yale)

Rethinking the Non-classical Surround; Sparseness, Reliabilty, and Precision in Natural Vision



Daniel Bölinger (Bernstein Center Munich)
            Closed-loop experiments to investigate spatial

contrast integration in the retina


4:15-5:15 PM

Invited Speaker: Kristen Harris (Texas)

Structural synaptic scaling among hippocampal dendritic spines.


5:15-6:15 PM               Reception (Lobby - Landscape Building)


6:15-8:15 PM              Dinner (Dining Room – Landscape Building)

                                    Poster Session (Lobby – Landscape Building)


8:15 PM                       Refreshments available at Bob’s Pub


Thursday, July 14


7:30-8:45 AM               Breakfast (Dining Room – Landscape Building)


9:00 AM-12:30 PM       Session 5: Sensation and Cognition

                                    Chair: Steve Lisberger

(Seminar Room – Landscape Building)


9:00 -10:00 AM 

Invited Speaker: Dmitry Rinberg (Janelia Farm)

Timing in Olfaction 


10:00-10:30 AM

Alex Koulakov (CSHL)

Olfactory Modeling


·         Presentation: Koulakov-Alexei-Sloan-Swartz-2011.ppt


10:30-11:00 AM

 Coffee Break


11:00-11:30 AM

Xiao Jing Wang (Yale)

A Reservoir of Time Constants for Memory Traces: Evidence and Model


11:30 AM-12:00 PM

Nava Rubin (NYU)

Universal Characteristics of Bi-stable Perception


12:00-12:30 PM

Bingni W. Brunton (Princeton)

The Poisson Clicks Accumulation and the Dynamics of Decision Making Processes


12:30-1:45 PM             Lunch (Dining Room)

                                    Poster Session (Lobby – Landscape Building)


1:45-5:30 PM               Session 6: Neural Computation

Chair: Bill Bialek

(Seminar Room – Landscape Building)


1:45-2:15 PM 

Jozsef Fiser (Brandeis)

Exploring a Sampling-based Framework for Probabalisitic Representation and Computation in the Cortex


·         Presentation: Fiser-Jozsef-Sloan-Swartz-2011.ppt


2:15-2:45 PM  

Julijana Gjorgijeva (Harvard)

Functional Implications of a Triplet Model of Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity 


2:45-3:15 PM 

Coffee Break


3:15-3:45 PM

Tatyana Sharpee

Minimal Models of Multi-dimensional

Neural Computations


·         Presentation:


3:45-4:15 PM

Edward Chang (UCSF)

The Organization of Human Speech Cortex


4:15 PM                       Meeting Conclusion


4:45 PM                       First shuttle to Dulles Airport

5:30 PM                       Second shuttle to Dulles Airport

6:15 PM                       Last shuttle to Dulles Airport






Friday, March 28, 2025
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