University of Washington

Papers and research supported in part or in whole by The Swartz Foundation

Fereshteh Lagzi and Adrienne L. Fairhall.
Emergence of co-tuning in inhibitory neurons as a network phenomenon mediated by randomness, correlations, and homeostatic plasticity. Science Advances 10.12 (2024): eadi4350.

Matthew Farrell, Stefano Recanatesi, and Eric Shea-Brown.
From lazy to rich to exclusive task representations in neural networks and neural codes. Current opinion in neurobiology 83 (2023): 102780.

Aditi Pophale, Kazumichi Shimizu, Tomoyuki Mano, Teresa L. Iglesias, Kerry Martin, Makoto Hiroi, Keishu Asada, Paulette GarcĂ­a Andaluz, Thi Thu Van Dinh, Leenoy Meshulam, and Sam Reiter.
Wake-like skin patterning and neural activity during octopus sleep. Nature 619.7968 (2023): 129-134.

Stefano Recanatesi, Serena Bradde, Vijay Balasubramanian, Nicholas A. Steinmetz, and Eric Shea-Brown.
A scale-dependent measure of system dimensionality. Patterns 3.8 (2022).

Doris Voina, Stefano Recanatesi, Brian Hu, Eric Shea-Brown, and Stefan Mihalas.
Single Circuit in V1 Capable of Switching Contexts During Movement Using an Inhibitory Population as a Switch. Neural Computation 34.3 (2022): 541-594.

Stefano Recanatesi, Ulises Pereira-Obilinovic, Masayoshi Murakami, Zachary Mainen, Luca Mazzucato
Metastable attractors explain the variable timing of stable behavioral action sequences. Neuron. 110(1): 139-53.39 (2022).

Matthew Farrell, Stefano Recanatesi, Guillaume Lajoie, and Eric Shea-Brown
Gradient-based learning drives robust representations in recurrent neural networks by balancing compression and expansion. Nature Machine Intelligence 4: 564-573 (2022).

Charles B. Delahunt, Pedro D. Maia, and J. Nathan Kutz.
Built to last: functional and structural mechanisms in the moth olfactory network mitigate effects of neural injury. Brain Sciences 11.4 (2021): 462.

Leenoy Meshulam, Jeffrey L. Gauthier, Carlos D. Brody, David W. Tank, and William Bialek.
Successes and failures of simplified models for a network of real neurons, arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.14735 (2021).

Stefano Recanatesi, Matthew Farrell, Guillaume Lajoie, Sophie Deneve, Mattia Rigotti, and Eric Shea-Brown
Predictive learning as a network mechanism for extracting low-dimensional latent space representations, Nature Communications, 12, 1417 (2021).

Merav Stern, Eric Shea-Brown, and Daniela Witten
Inferring Neural Population Spiking Rate from Wide-Field Calcium Imaging, BioRXiv, (2020).

Matthew Farrell, Stefano Recanatesi, R. Clay Reid, Stefan Mihalas, Eric Shea-Brown
Autoencoder networks extract latent variables and encode these variables in their connectomes, ArXiv (2020).

Merav Stern and Eric Shea-Brown
Network Dynamics Governed by Lyapunov Functions: From Memory to Classification, Spotlight in Trends in Neurosciences (2020).

David Dahmen, Stefano Recanatesi, Gabriel Ocker, Xiaoxuan Jia, Moritz Helias, Eric Shea-Brown
Strong coupling and local control of dimensionality across brain areas, BioRXiv (2020).

Stefano Recanatesi, Gabe Ocker, Michael Buice, and Eric Shea-Brown
Dimensionality in recurrent spiking networks: Global trends in activity and local origins in connectivity, PLOS Computational Biology 5(7): e1006446, (2019).

Matthew Farrell, Stefano Recanatesi, Guillaume Lajoie, and Eric Shea-Brown
Recurrent neural networks learn robust representations by dynamically balancing compression and expansion, BioRXiv (2019).

Charles B. Delahunt and J. Nathan Kutz
Putting a bug in ML: The moth olfactory network learns to read MNIST. Neural Networks 118 (2019): 54-64.

Stefano Recanatesi, Matthew Farrell, Madhu Advani, Timothy Moore, Guillaume Lajoie, Eric Shea-Brown
Dimensionality compression and expansion in deep neural networks, ArXiv 1906:00443, (2019).

Delahunt, Charles B., Jeffrey A. Riffell, and J. Nathan Kutz Biological Mechanisms for Learning: A Computational Model of Olfactory Learning in the Manduca Sexta Moth, With Applications to Neural Nets. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 12 (December): 102 (2018).

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The Swartz Foundation was established by Jerry Swartz (bio) in 1994 . . .
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2013 Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture - Michael Wigler, PhD
2012 Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture - John Donoghue
Sloan-Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2011
2011 Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture - Allison J. Doupe
2011 Banbury Workshop
Sloan-Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2010
2010 Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture
Sloan-Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2009
Conference on Neural Dynamics
2009 Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture
Canonical Neural Computation, April 2009
2009 Banbury Workshop
Sloan-Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2008
Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Auditory and Visual Attention - Banbury 2008
Stony Brook Mind/Brain 2008: Patricia Smith Churchland, B. Phil. D
Sloan-Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2007
New Frontiers In Studies Of Nonconscious Processing - Banbury 2007
Stony Brook Mind/Brain 2007: Professor Michael Shadlen, MD, PhD
Multi-level Brain Modeling Workshop 2006
Sloan Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2006
Banbury 2006: Computational Approaches to Cortical Functions
Stony Brook Mind/Brain 2006: Helen Fisher -- Lecture Videos
Sloan-Swartz Centers for Theoretical Neurobiology
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Banbury Center Workshop Series
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