The Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience at UCSD 

The Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience at the University of California at San Diego, which opened in November 2001, focuses on human brain dynamics using novel computational and experimental techniques for the analysis of high-resolution functional brain activity recordings. The Center includes experimental laboratories equipped for electroencephalographic (EEG) activity/behavior studies and advanced computer systems capable of testing dynamic models of functional brain data, as well as office facilities for the scientific staff. The Swartz Center is located adjacent to the UCSD campus, near the new UCSD/Salk Center for Functional Magnetic Imaging, which will enable planned close collaborations between the two centers, including expanding ongoing efforts to collect concurrent electromagnetic and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data.

The Center converges neurobiological, cognitive science, computational and engineering resources for understanding the relationship between the mind and the brain. The Center developes new models of brain dynamics, new signal processing techniques based on these models, and the experimental methods to test them. One goal is to study brain activity that supports social interactions. A second project is to study our awareness of time and temporal relationships, which is intimately related to brain dynamics. A third area of interest is our ability to control of our own brain rhythms, a subject with potential practical near-term applications.

The Director of the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience is Scott Makeig, Associate Research Scientist at UCSD. The Center is part of the UCSD Institute for Neural Computation, an organized research unit of the University of California directed by Terence Sejnowski. a computational neurobiologist in the Department of Biology at UCSD and an Investigator in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.

Related Links:

Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
     - Published Papers 
     - Selected Abstracts 
     - Selected Papers and Presentations from Center Director Scott Makeig, Ph.D. 
     - Outline of Research Activities

UCSD Institute for Neural Computation

News and Views:

June, 2009: How to See Inside a Brain in Motion, by Eliza Strickland, Discover Magazine, June, 2009 issue.


December 10, 2008: UC San Diego Scientists Developing Brain Imaging Methods for Studying Natural Human Behavior

July 27, 2007: SCCN Researchers Collaborate with National Chiao Tung University on Brain Computer Interface Technology

Nov. 17, 2006: SCCN at UCSD Receives NSF Grant for Study of Multimodal Dynamic Imaging of Human Brain Activity

Press release: $12 Million Multi-Year Gift From Swartz Foundation Funds Center For Computational Neuroscience at UC San Diego (April 4, 2006)

View a Video of the Fifth Anniversary Celebration and Chancellor's Reception, April 12, 2006 (Windows Media Player required)



Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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The Swartz Foundation was established by Jerry Swartz (bio) in 1994 . . .
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2013 Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture - Michael Wigler, PhD
2012 Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture - John Donoghue
Sloan-Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2011
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Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Banbury Center Workshop Series
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