Sloan-Swartz Centers for Theoretical Neurobiology Annual Meeting 2009
Center for Brain Science
Harvard University Cambridge
Northwest Building
52 Oxford St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
July 25-28, 2009
Sloan-Swartz Centers Main Page
• Event Home Page:
• Meeting Abstract Booklet: 2009_Sloan-Swartz_Meeting_Abstract_Booklet.pdf
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Monday, July 27
8:15 am Breakfast
  Learning and Plasticity
  Robert Shapley (NYU), Chair
9:00 am Stefano Fusi (Columbia)
  "A multi-stage synaptic model of memory"
9:30 am David Sussillo (Columbia)
  "Perception as Modeling: A neural network that extracts and models predictable elements from input"
10:00 am Tim Verstynen (UCSF)
  "From synapse to BOLD: circuit plasticity and macroscopic responses in sensory-motor cortex"
10:30 am Michael Brainard (UCSF)
  "Sources and function of variability in adult song production and plasticity"
11:00 am Break
11:30 am Jennifer Raymond (Stanford, Guest Speaker)
  "The building blocks of cerebellum-dependent learning"
12:30 pm Lunch, posters, and Directors' Lunch
  Technologies and Structures
  Eve Marder (Brandeis), Chair
2:15 pm Ed Boyden (MIT, Guest Speaker)
  "Technologies for controlling neural circuit dynamics"
  • Presentation: EBoyden-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf
3:15 pm Alexei Koulakov (CSHL)
  "Disposable stem cell hypothesis: a new model for neurogenesis in adult hippocampus"
3:45 pm Josh Dubnau (CSHL)
  "Experimental evolution to probe gene networks underlying cognition in Drosophila"
  • Presentation: JDubnau-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf
4:15 pm Break
4:45 pm Jeff Lichtman (Harvard, Guest Speaker)
  "Plumbing the Connectome"
5:45 pm Break and lab tours
7:00 pm Banquet
8:30 pm Posters and drinks
Tuesday, July 28
8:15 am Breakfast
  Decision Making
  Ken Miller (Columbia), Chair
9:00 am Tatiana Engel (Yale)
  "A neural circuit model for decision and categorization"
9:30 am Iain Couzin (Princeton)
  "Collective motion and decision making in animal groups"
10:00 am Patrick Simen (Princeton)
  "Real-time reward maximization in decision making: data and a neural circuit model"
  • Presentation: PSimen-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf
10:30 am Chess Stetson (Caltech)
  "Directionality of cross-cortical spike-field coherence during decision-making"

• Presentation: C-Stetson-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.ppt


11:00 am Break
11:30 am Yael Niv (Princeton, Guest Speaker)
  "Model-driven studies of learning and decision making"
12:30 pm Lunch and posters
  Xiao-Jing Wang (Yale), Chair
2:15 pm Rachel Wilson (Harvard)
  "Neural processing in the fly olfactory system"
2:45 pm Pietro Berkes (Brandeis)
  "Neural evidence for statistical optimal inference and learning in primary visual cortex"
  • Presentation: PBerkes-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf
3:15 pm Aaditya V Rangan (NYU)
  "Coding and reliability in the fly antennal lobe"

• Presentation: A-Rangan-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf


3:45 pm Yoram Burak (Harvard)
  "Image stabilization by Bayesian dynamics"
  • Presentation: YBurak-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.ppt
4:15 pm Break
4:45 pm Jim DiCarlo (MIT, Guest Speaker)
  "Untangling object recognition in the ventral visual processing stream"
  • Presentation: JDiCarlo-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf
5:45 pm Closing plus lab tours
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Saturday, August 31, 2024
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