1. |
"Towards an ecological approach to vision: wireless recordings from rat V1" |
Margarida Agrochao (Harvard University) |
2. |
"Reconciling inter-areal gamma-range synchrony with neural irregular activity in selective attention" |
Salva Ardid (Yale University) |
3. |
"Central roles of bipolar cells in retinal neural circuits" |
Hiroki Asari (Harvard University) |
4. |
"Intrinsic Stability of Temporally Shifted Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity" |
Baktash Babadi (Columbia University) |
5. |
"A likelihood framework to decode the timing of information in spiking and LFP activity" |
Arpan Banerjee (New York University) |
6. |
"Artificial Networks with Exponential Representational Power" |
Demian Battaglia (Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Göttingen) |
• Presentation:
Poster6-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf |
7. |
"Stationarity of intracranial field potentials in human cortex during visual object recognition" |
Julie Blumberg (I, V), Jed Singer (I), Hesheng Liu, Yigal Agam (III) |
Joseph R. Madsen (II), Andreas Schulze-Bonhage (V), Gabriel Kreiman (I, IV) |
(I. Neuroscience and Ophthalmology, Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA) |
(II. Neurosurgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA) |
(III. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA) |
(IV. Center for Brain Science, Swartz Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA) |
(V. Epilepsy Center University Hospital, Freiburg, Germany) |
8. |
"Generating Specificity in random network models of paired-stimulus learning" |
Mark Bourjaily (Brandeis University) |
9. |
"When can rates be reliably transmitted in feedforward networks?" |
Kendra Burbank (Harvard University) |
10. |
"Measuring the intrinsic autocoherent time-scale of gamma-band oscillations in V1 local field potentials" |
Samuel P. Burns (New York University) |
11. |
"Population Decoding from Visual Area MT" |
Kris Chaisanguanthum (University of California San Francisco) |
12. |
"From grid cells to place cells: a generic and robust solution" |
Sen Cheng (University of California San Francisco) |
13. |
"Interactions between sensory, emotional, and executive brain regions during tasting" |
Maolong Cui (Brandeis University) |
• Presentation:
Poster13-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf |
14. |
"Odor Coding Based on Spike Timing" |
Kevin Cury (Harvard University) |
15. |
"A theory of efficient coding in neural population with application to the optimality of retinal receptive fields" |
Eizaburo Doi (New York University) |
16. |
"Local field potential guides neocortical network activity" |
Flavio Frohlich (Yale University) |
17. |
"Deciding without remembering" |
Surya Ganguli (I) |
Robert Guetig (II) |
Haim Sompolinsky (II, III) |
(I. Sloan-Swartz Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, University of California San Francisco) |
(II. Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation, Hebrew University) |
(III. Center for Brain Science, Harvard University) |
18. |
"Sensory adaptation as optimal redistribution of neural resources" |
Sergei Gepshtein (The Salk Institute) |
19. |
"What kind of information can be provided by Optical Imaging?" |
Agnieszka Grabska-Barwinska (BCCN Ruhr University Bochum) |
• Presentation:
Poster19-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf |
20. |
"Decoding eye position and movement from neuronal populations" |
Arnulf Graf (California Institute of Technology) |
21. |
"Continuous attractors for working memory are stabilized by short-term facilitation" |
Vladimir Itskov (Columbia University) |
• Presentation:
Poster21-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf |
22. |
"The role of auditory cortex in mediating attention to moments in time" |
Santiago Jaramillo (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) |
23. |
"From neurons to circuits: linear estimation of local field potentials" |
Gabriel Kreiman (Harvard University) |
(Note: This poster replaces the one listed in the Meeting Abstract Booklet) |
• Presentation:
Poster23-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf |
24. |
"Extensive chaotic dynamics in neural networks in the balanced state" |
Michael Kreissl (MPI/BCCN Göttingen) |
• Presentation:
Poster24-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf |
25. |
"Contrast influences the pattern direction selectivity of macaque MT neurons" |
Romesh D. Kumbhani (New York University) |
26. |
"Are Motor Neurons in ALS running out of energy? A computational approach to a motor neuron disease" |
G Le Masson, S Prezdborski, C Henderson and L Abbott |
(Center for Theoretical Neuroscience) |
(Center for Motor Neuron Biology and Disease) |
(Columbia University) |
27. |
"Genetic noise and decision-making in the assembly of sensory-motor circuits" |
Victor Luria (Columbia University) |
28. |
"Robust state sequence and oscillatory state in different model of cortical sensory processing" |
Jian Lv (Brandeis University) |
• Presentation:
Poster28-Sloan-Swartz-Annual-2009.pdf |
29. |
"Recording a large population of retinal ganglion cells with a 252 electrode array and automated spike sorting" |
Marre, O., Amedei, D., Soo, F., and Berry II, M. |
(Princeton University) |
30. |
"Decoding Fine Spatial Details from Retinal Responses" |
Ofer Mazor and Markus Meister (Harvard University) |