Sloan/Swartz Centers for Theoretical Neurobiology

Annual Summer Meeting 2003


Saturday, July 26 to Tuesday, July 28, 2003 
Del Mar Hilton (Del Mar, California)

Saturday – July 26, 2003

Afternoon Chair:  Tom Albright


Natural Sounds and Images


12:30 PM



1:30 PM

Mike Lewicki – CMU (Salk)

 “Learning higher order structures in natural images”


2:00 PM

Frederic Theunissen – UC Berkeley (UCSF)

“Processing of natural sounds in the avian auditory system”

2:30 PM

Kamal Sen – Boston University  (UCSF)

“Dynamics of song discrimination in the songbird auditory forebrain”


3:00 PM           



Basic Vision


3:30 PM

Dario Ringach - UCLA (NYU)

“Analysis of ON/OFF subfield overlap in macaque V1”


4:00 PM

Matteo Carandini - Smith Kettlewell Eye Institute (NYU)

"Signal and noise in thalamus and cortex"


4:30 PM

Kukjin Kang – NYU

“Information tuning of a population of neurons in primary visual cortex”



Sunday – July 27

Morning Chair:  Terry Sejnowski


Neural Development



Breakfast served in Conference Room


9:00 AM

Niraj Desai - Neurosciences Institute (Brandeis)

"Synaptic scaling in the developing visual cortex."

9:30 AM

Paul Kulesa - Stowers Institute (Caltech)

“Insights into vertebrate development: merging bioimaging and computational modeling”

10:00 AM





10:30 AM

Mike DeWeese – Cold Spring Harbor (Salk)

“Binary spiking in auditory cortex”


11:00 AM

Frances Chance – UC Irvine (Brandeis)

"Modulating Neuronal Sensitivity to Synchronous Input"


11:30 AM

Duane Nykamp - UCLA (NYU)

“Reconstructing the coupling of neurons from spike times”


12:00 Noon





Afternoon Chair: Allison Doupe


Sensorimotor Processing


2:00 PM

Flip Sabes – UCSF (Caltech)

“Sensorimotor adaptation as a dynamical system”


2:30 PM

Bijan Pesaran - Caltech (Caltech)

“Eye-hand coordination and the posterior parietal cortex"

3:00 PM           



Cortical Networks


3:30 PM

Raj Rao – University of Washington (Salk)

“Probabilistic Computation in Recurrent Neural Circuits”

4:00 PM

Virginia de Sa – UCSD (UCSF)

“Benefits of constrained cortical connectivity”


4:30 PM

Albert Compte – Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, Spain (Brandeis)

"Emergent oscillatory activity at distinct frequencies in the cortical network in vitro: experiment and model"


6:00 PM

Banquet – Cuvee, 2334 Carmel Valley Road, Del Mar, +1.858.259.5878




Monday, July 28

Morning Chair:  Richard Andersen


Cortical Activity



8:00 AM



9:00 AM

Ken Miller – UCSF

“Multiplicative gain modulation can result from excitation or inhibition alone”


9:30 AM

Xiao-Jing Wang – Brandeis

"Division of labor among distinct inhibitory neurons in a microcircuit of working memory"


10:00 AM

Tim Lewis – NYU

“Wave propagation in electrically-coupled interneuron networks”



10:30 AM



Cortical Plasticity


11:00 AM

 Corette Wierenga – Brandeis

"Homeostatic scaling of excitatory synapses does not alter short-term synaptic dynamics"


11:30 AM

Michael Shelley – NYU

“The Plasticity of Simple and Complex Cells in Visual Cortex”


12:00 PM

Larry Abbott – Brandeis

"Supervised Learning Through Neuronal Response Modulation"

12:30 Noon




Monday – July 28 (Continued)

Afternoon Chair:  Bob Shapley




2:00 PM

Rodridgo Quian Quiroga- Caltech

“Unsupervised spike sorting with wavelets and super-paramagnetic clustering”

2:30 PM

Allison Doupe – UCSF

“Correlation, variability, and context in songbird basal ganglia”



3:00 PM

Alfonso Renart – Brandeis

"Interval timing through ramping activity in a recurrent network model"


3:30 PM





Sensorimotor Systems


4:00 PM

Richard Andersen – Caltech

“Cognitive control signals for neural prosthetics”


4:30 PM           

Elizabeth Torres – Caltech

"Learning and adaptation strategies in an obstacle avoidance task performed in monkeys."

5:00 PM           

Leslie Osborne – UCSF

“Tight correlation between the time courses of sensory and motor estimates of target direction in smooth pursuit eye movements”



Salk Institute

Tuesday – July 29

Morning Chair:  Ken Miller




8:00 AM



9:00 AM

Alexander Heimel - Brandeis

"Characterizing receptive fields of V1 neurons in the gray squirrel"


9:30 AM

Clara Bodelón – Salk

"Temporal resolution of color and orientation processing in

macaque Area V4"


10:00 AM

 Bob Shapley - NYU

“A New View of the Primary Visual Cortex”


10:30 AM





11:00 AM

EJ Chichilnisky – Salk

“Ensemble Coding of Visual Motion in Primate Retina”

11:30 AM

Bart Krekelberg – Salk

“Motion Mechanisms in Macaque MT


12:00 PM

Pablo Velasco Perez – NYU

“Studying motion perception”

12:30 Noon



Salk Institute

Tuesday – July 29 (continued)

Afternoon Chair:  Tom Albright




2:00 PM

 Robert Liu – UCSF

“Communication and cortex: the computational neuroethology of mouse  vocalizations”

2:30 PM        

Mark Changizi- Caltech

“Fundamental principles governing complex networks, with special
attention to the brain”

3:00 PM           

Joel Burdick – Caltech

“Movable Electrodes: Automated optimization of neural recordings”

3:30 PM




Analog Processing


4:00 PM

Jutta Kretzberg – Salk

“Non-spiking neuronal information transmission”


4:30 PM

David Holcman – UCSF

“Photo-transduction from the molecular to the cellular level:

The role of geometry in diffusion”



5:00 PM

Terry Sejnowski – Salk

“Space-time computing with calcium in dendritic spines”


5:30 PM



End of event

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
About the Swartz Foundation...
The Swartz Foundation was established by Jerry Swartz (bio) in 1994 . . .
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2013 Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture - Michael Wigler, PhD
2012 Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture - John Donoghue
Sloan-Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2011
2011 Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture - Allison J. Doupe
2011 Banbury Workshop
Sloan-Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2010
2010 Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture
Sloan-Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2009
Conference on Neural Dynamics
2009 Stony Brook Mind/Brain Lecture
Canonical Neural Computation, April 2009
2009 Banbury Workshop
Sloan-Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2008
Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Auditory and Visual Attention - Banbury 2008
Stony Brook Mind/Brain 2008: Patricia Smith Churchland, B. Phil. D
Sloan-Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2007
New Frontiers In Studies Of Nonconscious Processing - Banbury 2007
Stony Brook Mind/Brain 2007: Professor Michael Shadlen, MD, PhD
Multi-level Brain Modeling Workshop 2006
Sloan Swartz Centers Annual Meeting 2006
Banbury 2006: Computational Approaches to Cortical Functions
Stony Brook Mind/Brain 2006: Helen Fisher -- Lecture Videos
Sloan-Swartz Centers for Theoretical Neurobiology
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Banbury Center Workshop Series
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