2002 Sloan/Swartz Program in Theoretical Neurobiology
Summer Meeting

June 23-26, 2002
The Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts

Meeting Agenda

Sunday, June 23rd

9:00-9:30 Geoff Boynton, Salk
"The Relationship Between Retinotopic Maps in Human V1 and Vernier Acuity Thresholds"

9:30-10:00 Tatyana Sharpee, UCSF
"Characterizing Neural Responses to Natural Stimuli: Most Informative Dimensions"

10:00-10:30 J. Andrew Henrie, NYU
"The Reliability of Spike Responses in Primary Visual Cortex"

11:00-11:20 Sharad Shanbhag, Caltech
"Three-Dimensional Kinematics of Barn Owl Orienting Head Responses: Does the Owl's Head Act Like a Primate Eye?"

11:20-12:20 Jennifer Raymond, Stanford
"Motor Learning in the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex"

12:20-12:45 Astrid Prinz, Brandeis
"Pacemaker Neurons Are More Sensitive to the Duration than to the Strength of Synaptic Input"

1:45-2:20 Richard Anderson, Caltech
"Rapid Plasticity in Posterior Parietal Cortex"

2:20-2:50 Bart Krekelberg, Salk
"A Neural Correlate of Localization and Peri-Saccadic Mislocalization"

2:50-3:15 Jeremy Caplan, Brandeis
"Exploring Exploring: Intracranially-Recorded Oscillations Are Linked to Human Virtual Navigation Behavior"

3:45-4:15 Louis Tao, NYU
"Simple and Complex Cells in a Large-Scale Neuronal Network of V1"

4:15-4:45 Ken Miller, UCSF
"Neuronal Noise and Orientation Tuning"

4:45-5:15 Kukjin Kang, NYU
"Conditions for Cortical Amplification in V1"

Monday, June 24

9:00-9:30 Flip Sabes, UCSF
"Visuomoter Adaptation and State Estimation"

9:30-9:50 Elizabeth Torres, Caltech
"Multi-Jointed Arm Movement: A Model"

9:50-10:20 Liam Paninski, NYU
"Linear/Nonlinear Neural Encoding Models: Some Math, Some Motor Cortex"

10:45-11:45 Bill Newsome, Stanford
"Matching Behavior and the Neural Coding of Expected Value in Monkeys"

11:45-12:05 Susanne Schreiber, Salk
"What Ion Channels Can Do for Spike Timing"

12:05-12:30 Paul Miller, Brandeis
"Parametric Working Memory With Positively and Negatively Monotonic Tuning Curves"

1:30-1:50 Jutta Kretzberg, Salk
"How Many Synaptic Inputs Does a Neuron Need to be Unreliable?"

1:50-2:20 Frances Chance, NYU
"The Effects of Noise on Neuronal Spiking"

2:20-2:40 Paul Tiesinga, Salk
"Precision, Reliability, and the Neuronal Code"

3:15-3:35 Javier Perez-Orive, Caltech
"Oscillations and the Sparsening of Representations in the Insect Olfactory System"

3:35-4:20 Terry Sejnowski, Salk
"What the Locust's Antennal Lobe Tells the Locust's Mushroom Bodies"

Tuesday June 25

9:00-9:40 Steven Lisberger, UCSF
"Computational Aspects of Speed Tuning in Macaque Visual Cortex"

9:40-10:00 Adam Kepecs, Brandeis
"A New Neural Code Based on Variation in Burst Duration"

10:00-10:30 Thanos Siapas, Caltech
"Prefrontal Phase-Locking to Hippocampal Theta Oscillations"

11:00-12:00 Michael Mauk, Univ. Texas Medical School
"Trying to Understand the Cerebellum Well Enough to Build One"

12:00-12:20 Chris Sekirnejak, Salk
"Intrinsic Membrane Properties Confer a Phase Lead onto Vestibular Nucleus Neurons"

1:30-2:00 Katrin Schenk, UCSF
"Information Theoretic Approaches to Song Analysis"

2:00-2:20 Joydeep Bhattacharya, Caltech
"Neural Correlates of Visual Illusion Induced by Sound"

2:20-2:40 Valery Kalatsky, UCSF
"Suprathreshold Organization of Rat Auditory Cortex Revealed by a New Method of Intrinsic Signal Optical Imaging"

3:00-3:35 Sacha Nelson, Brandeis
"A Presynaptic Coincidence Detection Mechanism for Neocortical LTD"

7 PM Excursion - Red Sox Game - Fenway Park

Wednesday June 26

9:00-9:20 Rodrigo Quiroga, Caltech
"Even Synchronization: A Simple and Fast Method to Measure Synchronicity and Time Delay Patterns"

9:20-9:50 Jean-Michel Hupé, NYU
"Dynamics of the Bi-Stable Perception of Ambiguous Stimuli: Evidence for General Principles"

10:15-11:15 Misha Tsodyks, Weizmann Institute
"Perceptual Learning and Synaptic Plasticity in Neocortical Networks"

11:15-11:35 Sridhar Raghavachari, Brandeis
"Robustness and Bistability in a Neural Integrator"

11:35-11:55 Kamran Diba, Caltech
"Stochastic Neurons in Vitro"

11:55-12:25 Larry Abbott, Brandeis
"Short and Long-Term Effects of Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity"

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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