13-16 May, 2001

at The Banbury Center of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Organizers: C. Koch (CalTech), D.Chalmers (U Arizona), R. Goodman (CalTech), O. Holland (Clinton House, UK), J. Swartz (The Swartz Foundation)

Introductory remarks

J. A. Witkowski, Banbury Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York:

J. Swartz, The Swartz Foundation, East Setauket, New York

  • Introduction

    Session 1:

    Chair: J.Swartz, The Swartz Foundation, East Setauket, New York

    D. J. Chalmers, University of Arizona, Tucson:
    Machine consciousness. Problems and prospects.

    C. Koch, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena:
    From biological to machine consciousness.

  • Abstract (HTML)

    G. Tononi, University of Wisconsin, Madison:
    Recipes for consciousness.

  • Abstract (HTML)

    E. Rolls, Oxford University, UK:
    Consciousness and dual routes to action in neural network machines.

    Session 2:

    Chair: R.M. Goodman, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena

    M. A. Goodale, University of Western Ontario, Canada:
    Why we need two cortical visual systems: A teleassistance model.

  • Presentation (PDF format)

    C. D. Frith, University College London, UK:
    The importance of other minds.

  • Abstract (HTML)

    L. Steels, Free University of Brussels, Belgium:
    The role of language in the emergence of consciousness.

    J. C. Hawkins, Handspring Inc. Mountain View, California:
    What neuroanatomy and the physiology of our senses tell us about consciousness and intelligence.

    S. Blackmore, Bristol, UK:
    Consciousness in meme machines.

  • Abstract (HTML)

    Session 3:

    Chair: D. J. Chalmers, University of Arizona, Tucson

    N. Block, New York University, New York:
    What are experiments about consciousness really about?

    E. Dietrich, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg:
    Can a machine be conscious? Sure, but it won't help.

    I. Aleksander, Imperial College, London, UK:
    Robot-usable models of visual consciousness.

  • Abstract (HTML)
  • Presentation (PPT format)

    R. M. Goodman, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena and O. Holland, Clinton House, Stroud, UK:
    Autonomous robots + dynamic environment + intelligent control = consciousness?

  • Abstract (HTML)
  • Presentation (PPT format)

    Session 4:

    Chair: O. Holland, Clinton House, Stroud, UK

    B. Baars, The Neurosciences Institute, San Diego, California:
    Self systems in the brain constrain conscious contents: A global workspace perspective.

    S. Franklin, University of Memphis, Tennessee:
    Conscious' software agents. We've got one running. How conscious is it? I don't know.

  • Abstract (HTML)
  • Presentation (PPT format)

    S. Dehaene, Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot, Orsay, France:
    Cerebral processing of conscious and unconscious stimuli: a neural workspace hypothesis.

  • Presentation (ZIP format or PPT format)

    J. Clark, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK:
    Consciousness and perceptual knowledge.

  • Abstract (HTML)
  • Presentation (WORD format)

    Cleeremans, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium:
    Being virtual: Consciousness and self as graded, adaptive phenomena.

  • Presentation (PPT format)

    Session 5:

    Chair: C. Koch, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena

    D. Psaltis, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena:
    Awareness-based computing.

  • Abstract (HTML)

    Closing debate

    Concluding Remarks

  • Meeting Summary

  • Friday, March 28, 2025
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